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Here there be pictures

If you have a good photo you would like to see here try and email it to me or if it is a regular picture I could scan it.

When it is this cold parents need to stick together.

The fields seemed to have a bit of a slant to them!!!

Once the game was delayed because the ball got stuck in midair. Everyone just stood in awe when this happened not sure what to do!!!

A couple of the local boys taught our team a new dance number they had just learned.

The boys all went skipping off for a treat after the game together.

There were times when it felt like only the other team showed up for the game!!!!

Half time dance competition is very tough!!

New keeper skill stuns parents!!!!

HEY!!! Where are all the other guys???

The "box" is a very popular hangout!!!

Sorry!!! Got ya covered!!!

During Seth's second goal save against carbonedale he got cleated across the thigh and the knee. It wasn't until he mentioned that his knee hurt on the way home that we even knew about it.